Behavior Chart and Food Log

Every day I will post our son's school behavior color chart and answer a few questions that I feel may pertain to his behavior.

Here is my son's behavior chart for the two weeks prior to going gluten free. 

It's not bad, but it could certainly be better. Below is his current color chart since going gluten free. I hope over the next couple of weeks we see a trend of more yellows! Sadly, I can only link to the document unless I want to copy and paste every single day to make it a pic. I might do that weekly instead. Here is a link to the most updated behavior chart: Behavior Chart

Here is our daily food log. Most days, his meals will be exactly the same, for ease. Snacks will change weekly. Lunches will change slightly until I find better cold lunch ideas. It's hard to plan a lunch for someone who has no access to a microwave. Food Log

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